Multi-Tenancy with Database per Tenant
Marten V5.0 largely rewired the internals to be aware of multiple databases in features such as the database cleaning, the async projection daemon, and the database migrations.
Marten V5.0 introduced (finally) built in support for multi-tenancy through separate databases per tenant or a group of tenants.
First off, let's try to answer the obvious questions you probably have:
- Can I combine conjoined multi-tenancy and database per tenant? - That's a yes.
- Does Marten know how to handle database migrations with multiple databases? - Yes, and that was honestly most of the work to support this functionality:(
- Will the async daemon work with multiple databases? - Yes, and there's nothing else you need to do to enable that on the async daemon side
- What strategies does Marten support out of the box for this? - That's explained in the next two sections below.
- If Marten doesn't do what I need for this feature, can I plug in my own strategy? - That's also a yes, see the section on writing your own.
- Does the
features work for multiple databases? - This is a little more complicated, but the answer is still yes. See the very last section on administering databases. - Can this strategy use different database schemas in the same database? - That's a hard no. The databases have to be identical in all structures.
Static Database to Tenant Mapping
The first and simplest option built in is the MultiTenantedDatabases()
syntax that assumes that all tenant databases are built upfront and there is no automatic database provisioning at runtime. In this case, you can supply the mapping of databases to tenant id as shown in the following code sample:
_host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddMarten(opts =>
// Explicitly map tenant ids to database connection strings
opts.MultiTenantedDatabases(x =>
// Map multiple tenant ids to a single named database
x.AddMultipleTenantDatabase(db1ConnectionString, "database1")
.ForTenants("tenant1", "tenant2");
// Map a single tenant id to a database, which uses the tenant id as well for the database identifier
x.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant3ConnectionString, "tenant3");
x.AddSingleTenantDatabase(tenant4ConnectionString, "tenant4");
// All detected changes will be applied to all
// the configured tenant databases on startup
Single Instance Multi-Tenancy
The second out of the box option is to use a separate named database in the same database instance for each individual tenant. In this case, Marten is able to provision new tenant databases on the fly when a new tenant id is encountered for the first time. That will obviously depend on the application having sufficient permissions for this to work. We think this option may be mostly suitable for development and automated testing rather than production usage.
This usage is shown below:
_host = await Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.ConfigureServices(services =>
services.AddMarten(opts =>
// You have to specify a connection string for "administration"
// with rights to provision new databases on the fly
// You can map multiple tenant ids to a single named database
.WithTenants("tenant1", "tenant2").InDatabaseNamed("database1")
// Just declaring that there are additional tenant ids that should
// have their own database
.WithTenants("tenant3", "tenant4"); // own database
Dynamically applying changes to tenants databases
If you didn't call the ApplyAllDatabaseChangesOnStartup
method, Marten would still try to create a database upon the session creation. This action is invasive and can cause issues like timeouts, cold starts, or deadlocks. It also won't apply all defined changes upfront (so, e.g. indexes, custom schema extensions).
If you don't know the tenant upfront, you can create and apply changes dynamically by:
var tenant = await theStore.Tenancy.GetTenantAsync(tenantId);
await tenant.Database.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
You can place this code somewhere in the tenant initialization code. For instance:
- tenant setup procedure,
- dedicated API endpoint
- custom session factory, although that's not recommended for the reasons mentioned above.
Write your own tenancy strategy!
It is strongly recommended that you first refer to the existing Marten options for per-database multi-tenancy before you write your own model. There are several helpers in the Marten codebase that will hopefully make this task easier. Failing all else, please feel free to ask questions in the Marten's Discord channel about custom multi-tenancy strategies.
The multi-tenancy strategy is pluggable. Start by implementing the Marten.Storage.ITenancy
/// <summary>
/// Pluggable interface for Marten multi-tenancy by database
/// </summary>
public interface ITenancy: IDatabaseSource
/// <summary>
/// The default tenant. This can be null.
/// </summary>
Tenant Default { get; }
/// <summary>
/// A composite document cleaner for the entire collection of databases
/// </summary>
IDocumentCleaner Cleaner { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve or create a Tenant for the tenant id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tenantId"></param>
/// <exception cref="UnknownTenantIdException"></exception>
/// <returns></returns>
Tenant GetTenant(string tenantId);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve or create a tenant for the tenant id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tenantId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
ValueTask<Tenant> GetTenantAsync(string tenantId);
/// <summary>
/// Find or create the named database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tenantIdOrDatabaseIdentifier"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
ValueTask<IMartenDatabase> FindOrCreateDatabase(string tenantIdOrDatabaseIdentifier);
/// <summary>
/// Asserts that the requested tenant id is part of the current database
/// </summary>
/// <param name="database"></param>
/// <param name="tenantId"></param>
bool IsTenantStoredInCurrentDatabase(IMartenDatabase database, string tenantId);
Assuming that we have a custom ITenancy
public class MySpecialTenancy: ITenancy
We can utilize that by applying that model at configuration time:
var store = DocumentStore.For(opts =>
opts.Connection("connection string");
// Apply custom tenancy model
opts.Tenancy = new MySpecialTenancy();
Administering Multiple Databases
We've tried to make Marten support all the existing IDocumentStore.Advanced
features either across all databases at one time where possible, or exposed a mechanism to access only one database at a time as shown below:
// Apply all detected changes in every known database
await store.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// Only apply to the default database if not using multi-tenancy per
// database
await store.Storage.Database.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
// Find a specific database
var database = await store.Storage.FindOrCreateDatabase("tenant1");
// Tear down everything
await database.CompletelyRemoveAllAsync();
// Check out the projection state in just this database
var state = await database.FetchEventStoreStatistics();
// Apply all outstanding database changes in just this database
await database.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync();
All remaining methods on IDocumentStore.Advanced
apply to all databases.