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Rebuilding Projections

Projections can be completely rebuilt with the async daemon subsystem. Both inline and asynchronous projections can be rebuilt with the async daemon.

public class DistanceProjection: EventProjection
    public DistanceProjection()
        ProjectionName = "Distance";

    // Create a new Distance document based on a Travel event
    public Distance Create(Travel travel, IEvent e)
        return new Distance {Id = e.Id, Day = travel.Day, Total = travel.TotalDistance()};

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StoreOptions(x => x.Projections.Add(new DistanceProjection(), ProjectionLifecycle.Async));

var agent = await StartDaemon();

// setup test data
await PublishSingleThreaded();

// rebuild projection `Distance`
await agent.RebuildProjection("Distance", CancellationToken.None);

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